
About Sarah

In addition to holding an Honors BA in Economics, Sarah is an internationally certified Iyengar yoga teacher. She moved from Columbus, GA where she owned and ran a yoga studio for four years.

Sarah first began practicing yoga in 1998 as a means to stretch after a week of various sports. She was immediately drawn to the clarity of the Iyengar methodology and quickly realized there was so much more.

Sarah is fortunate to have been able to travel to Pune, India to study directly with the Iyengar family for the months of November 2012 and February 2014.

Most recently Sarah passed her Junior Intermediate II assessment in August 2019 in Denver, CO.

Sarah thoroughly enjoys teaching - to be able to share her passion and joy and the life work of B.K.S Iyengar. She is committed to continual learning and strives for excellence in her teaching.

After practice I feel grounded, calm, focused, happy, and content. This is how I want to live my life.

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About Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar Yoga is a precise, systematic and safe method of yoga which emphasizes alignment. The key difference between Iyengar yoga and other forms of yoga is the rigorous training. Certified Iyengar yoga teachers are held to a very high standard. Only after at least three years of training and a comprehensive internationally recognized assessment do they become certified. To continue to hold their certification and to qualify to teach more advanced poses Iyengar yoga teachers each year must continue their studies.

With regular practice Iyengar method of yoga will help you increase your mobility, stability, strength, endurance and the ability to relax. Compared to other types of yoga, Iyengar Yoga teachers use props (blocks, blankets and chairs) to help you learn poses safely and obtain a benefit even if you are a beginner and not very flexible.

With its focus on precision and alignment, Iyengar Yoga has been described as meditation in action – a state of being focused in the moment. As you begin to understand which areas of your body are more flexible and which are tight, regular practice encourages the weaker areas to strengthen and the tighter areas to release. With this the body becomes better aligned and posture improves. The attention to detail develops awareness and concentration, calms the mind and promotes the wellbeing of both the body and mind. This brings vitality, mental clarity, and emotional stability. Iyengar Yoga will help you reduce the stress of daily life.

“Your body lives in the past, your mind in the future. They come together in the present when you practice yoga”

— B.K.S. Iyengar