
T. M. D

Sarah has been teaching for several months, at the Yoga school I attend, and almost immediately on starting there, she attracted a number of students who have attended her classes consistently. I, personally, find her teaching to be comprehensive in covering significant aspects of the asanas important to intermediate students. Her methods are gently encouraging and yet challenging, and we all are achieving new levels of ability, as a result. I can attribute with certainty an increased facility and comfort with some poses I had found difficult before, and improved understanding of many others I had previously thought I'd understood. Several other instructors also attend her classes, and I have heard them praise her methods. I believe that any student can benefit greatly from her tutelage.


S Jones

The health and wellness benefits that come from Iyengar yoga are too many to count! As a young mom, I was able to relax and at the same time develop an awareness of my body. So thankful for my teacher, Sarah, who could have not been more giving and willing to help me developing my practice.


D. Bennett

Sarah is a wonderful teacher. She is clear and concise in her instructions, getting her students in and out of the poses well and safely. Classes move along at a good pace, never too slow, and always challenging. She pays attention to each student, and encourages and adjusts from her wealth of knowledge. I've struggled with low back issues and injured hamstrings. Sarah is always mindful of my issues and has been great in helping me understand how to modify poses for myself. I have progressed so much under her teaching!

K Johnson

Sarah has been the best yoga instructor I've had in almost 30 years of practicing yoga. She is a true teacher, not only explaining postures in detail and demonstrating them correctly, but making sure her students understand and do the postures correctly as well. She is very attentive to the individual needs of her students and meets you where you are at that day.


Susan W

Sarah is a wonderful teacher! I have learned so much about Iyengar yoga. To me, it is the best form of yoga, and I will be studying and practicing the rest of my life, because of Sarah's teaching and influence. Sarah is articulate, and she easily explains the poses. She is so observant and ever present. She has breadth and depth in her knowledge of the body and is able to suggest corrections that make sense and help me do the poses properly. Studying with Sarah has helped to build my strength, flexibility, balance and confidence. She is focused and, simply put, a joy to work with! Don't miss an opportunity to work with her!


L. Devitt

My back was aching for several months before I saw an ad for an Iyengar Yoga class. I had wanted to try yoga for several years and since I was not looking forward to seeing a chiropractor, I thought why not. Within a very short period of time and many 'props', my back felt so much better. Great in fact. I had no idea what Iyengar yoga was then but I am a huge fan. I would recommend Sarah Nordin's teaching to anyone. Not only is my back better but my balance has improved, I am stronger and much more beautiful. O.K., not the last one. Our loss in Columbus is going to be a smart person's gain. How I envy that town!

A Jones

Sarah is a born teacher! One of the most important attributes of any teacher is that he/she really believes in and enjoys their subject area. Sarah does! She explains the poses and demonstrates them so that even a "backward" yoga student like I am can learn and benefit from her classes. I feel so much better--physically and mentally--after attending one of her sessions, and I enjoy a feeling of accomplishment which I have never had from any type of exercise before. It will be impossible to replace her.


Zoe W, Age 18

Tagged along with my mom for only two classes at the end of the session, just to try it out because my mom had been talking so highly of her yoga instructor for the last year, and I gained so much more than I expected from just those two visits. Sarah is just a cool person who is easy to be comfortable around; she explains every detail of what you need to keep in mind during each pose, so I trusted her immediately, even when I was scared of trying things, like headstands, for the first time. When she shows what the pose will look like, she easily explains what each body part is doing and how everything connects (thinking and talking while upside down are impressive skills alone) and watching her made me realize how beautiful yoga is! She cares about each student's safety and makes sure everyone is performing proper technique. Sarah is encouraging and I wish I had begun joining my mom for her classes much sooner.



I am truly thankful that I was exposed to Iyengar Yoga under your guidance. I had practiced Yoga (mostly Hatha and Restorative) in San Antonio and I loved it there, but I was not even aware of Iyengar Yoga until I started attending your classes. Your technical knowledge of this particular yoga tradition but also your dedication to and compassion for the people who attended your classes were particularly praiseworthy. Thank you. Once you establish a new yoga school in Florida please let me know. I never know where I will end up in the country and I certainly would highly recommend your yoga teaching to anyone who is interested in yoga.