What do I need to bring?

All props including a mat will be provided. If you prefer to bring your own please do so.

What should I wear?

Wear comfortable clothing such as shorts or leggings and a t-shirt so movement is not restricted. Please refrain from using perfume.

Can I eat before class?

It is preferable to practice on an empty stomach.

How long before class starts should I arrive?

Please arrive 10 minutes before your class.

I am not very flexible. Can I do yoga?

Iyengar yoga is for everyone. No one is too stiff to do yoga. It is designed to increase your mobility. You do not have to be flexible in order to start. All students work at their own pace. With the focus on alignment and the use of props (such as blocks, blankets and chairs) tight areas can be safely stretched.

I am older. Can I do yoga?

As Geeta Iyengar said, “Yoga is a gift for old age. One who takes to yoga when old gains not only health and happiness but also freshness of mind…. it is never too late to begin.”

How often should I attend?

As often as you like. As your practice develops you might find yourself wanting to attend classes more frequently.

What if I have a health concern or injury?

It is important to advise your teacher before class if you have any health concerns so appropriate variations can be provided.